The Magic of Coffee in Me

| Posted on 11/19/2008 04:35:00 PM | Posted in

hhhmmmmmm... nothing beats a hot cup of black coffee to perk up my day!!!! now what prompted me to blog about it??? Well you see, coffee is very much a part of my blood, hehehehe!! literally, i won't last a day without drinking at least one cup.... but mind you, i can take as much as 5 tall mugs of coffee a day!!!!

But then since i started having hyperacidity attacks, i personally decided to limit it to one cup a day and in the mronings only. Do you know my favorite blend??? Super Black where i can tangibly taste the conflicting flavors of bitterness and sweet sugar.

Well you see, i skipped drinking coffee for the past 2 days.. it was basically because of stubborn pride. In the office i was using my officemate's coffemaker but since i got so pissed off with her, i refused to use it no matter how much i crave for coffee.

So then last night, after quite a thorough search in our house, i found my old reliable, portable, one cup coffeemaker and took it here in the office today. And whooaaaaa....on the first sip i felt the energy flowing through my veins.... i felt alive and so alert!!! hehehehe.. hope nobody's freakin out.. i am just a certified coffeeholic!!!!

So now because of this stubborness, there are 2 coffeemakers in the office!!! hehehehe!

Well then, since the day is about to end for me.. i can say that i am a very satisfied lady!!! hehehehe.

Comments (1)

I'd never admit to how much coffee I drink. I told a friend a long time ago and he seriously freaked out :P

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