Hope for the Flowers by Trina Paulos


| Posted on 10/16/2008 03:45:00 PM | Posted in

I came across this book way back in college... i liked it then...but as time pass by, i have completely forgotten about this. Now i am reading it again. allow me to post the author's opening words and hope you guys would read this too....

To Quote Trina Paulos :

A tale partly about life, partly about revolution and lots about hope for adults and others ( including caterpillars who can read ).

From Trina :

' Many Thanks to everyone all over the world who has helped me believe in the butterfly. this is the tale of a caterpillar who has trouble becoming what he really is. It is like myself...like us. '

Once i finish reading, i would share my insights as well....

Today I am....


| Posted on 10/15/2008 01:56:00 PM | Posted in

Today I am..... HOPEFUL....

Romans 5:5 '...and Hope does not disappoint us because God has poured out HIS love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit'

Today I was able to go to Baclaran church and pray the Novena to Our Mother of Perpetual Help and light candles for my 'hopes'.

Father Abraham's Guidance


| Posted on 10/14/2008 01:14:00 PM | Posted in

I have subscribed to Ms. Susan's daily angel guide and for today she gave me Abraham.... something that i needed the most today. Allow me to share him to you guys....

Abraham will:

Show you the power of faith

Teach you how to trust your process

Remind you of your basic goodness and divine nature


Abraham was a man of prayer. He spent a lot of time talking to God.

Ask Abraham to show you how to have faith, how to let go of your

fearful thinking and feel the love of the universe embracing you.

Walk under the stars and imagine what it must have been like for

Abraham to live in the desert. Then open your heart and expect

miracles to happen.